Landscape Supplies near New Market, MD

Landscape Supplies near New Market, MD

You take pride in your yard, and it deserves the best products to keep it in tip-top shape.

At Colony Supply Center near New Market, Maryland, we have everything you need to get the landscaping you want. We offer a variety of products, including:

  • Leaf Compost
  • Topsoil
  • A variety of mulches

Our knowledgeable team can help you find the right product to meet your needs. Check out our products online or give us a call today!

Bulk Mulch near New Market, MD

You want your flower beds to shine without weeds sticking out like a sore thumb. But, short of weeding them on a daily basis, how can you get the effect you want?

Rather than breaking your back every day, adding mulch to your flower beds, around bushes, and even in your vegetable gardens can help inhibit weed growth, making your gardening faster and easier.

At Colony Supply Center, we offer a variety of types and colors of mulch. We also offer delivery to New Market, making it even more convenient for you!

With good underlayment, routine care, and seasonal refreshing, mulch can help keep weeds at bay in your landscaping, giving your home a neater exterior without you spending hours each week getting it there.

Learn more about our types and colors of mulch, ready for use in your garden!